What is the Xhosa tradition for male?
Ulwaluko, traditional circumcision and initiation from childhood to adulthood, is an ancient initiation rite practised (though not exclusively) by the Xhosa people, and is commonly practised throughout South Africa.
What is Xhosa men attire called?
Xhosa traditional attire for men consists of a long-sleeved shirt known as an “inyoka,” which is often made from cotton or wool. This shirt is typically worn with trousers or shorts made from the same material.
What is Isikhakha?
Among the many diverse ethnic groups of the region, the Xhosa peoples have an especially rich tradition of beaded regalia. This elegant textile skirt, also known as an isikhakha or imibhaco, is one example of the incorporation of beadwork into garments.
What is umbhaco?
Umbhaco is a material used in South African traditional clothing for dresses in formal and informal ceremonies. It is extremely durable cotton that’s made to last. Umbacho can be used for traditional dress, but can also be applied in modern fashion. It is usually black and white.
Male Modern Xhosa

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